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governance poli



Corporate Governance structure

Poliform’s long history has allowed a family-owned company to structure itself over the years, both internally and as an internationally renowned brand – to be found today in showrooms, flagship stores and foreign subsidiaries in an increasing number of countries.

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Poliform’s Corporate Governance is structured following a traditional model, assigning the corporate management solely to the Board of Directors, delegating supervisory functions to the statutory board of auditors and legal auditing functions to the appointed Sole Auditor.

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Poliform functional organizational chart is structured in such a way to “give space” to the different skills. To guarantee the best possible management outcome, each Function Manager is responsible for governing a specific process. To streamline decision-making processes, the Managing Director is effectively supported by an underlying managerial organization.

Sales, marketing and communication, finance and industrial production processes report directly to the Board of Directors. Sustainability is integrated into all decision-making processes; all management figures are strongly involved in sustainability issues, involvement driven both by company executives and by customers’ and other relevant stakeholders’ requirements.

POLIFORM azienda organigrammi governance

The company has defined specific functions for the management of those issues strictly connected with the environment and occupational health and safety; among the top professional figures that report directly to the Board of Directors we find the Head of the Environmental Management System (RSGS in Italian) and the Head of the Prevention and Protection Service (RSPP in Italian).

The company has drawn up a charter of corporate values, which lists the fundamental principles of its business ethos:



Poliform’s soundness and its continuous expansion in international markets have resulted in a steady growth over time, demonstrated by the trend of the economic performance. The economic value directly generated was calculated by reclassifying the revenue account. The main component of said value is revenues.

In 2022 Poliform confirmed the trend of continuous growth, demonstrated by the generated turnover, equal to 235 million Euros, an increase of 15% compared to the previous year and 46% compared to 2020.

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In 2022 Poliform confirmed the trend of continuous growth, demonstrated by the generated turnover, equal to 235 million Euros, an increase of 15% compared to the previous year and 46% compared to 2020.

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The same trend was recorded for the distributed economic value. Operating costs, in fact, increased in value proportionally to the generated turnover, in the same manner, the cost of employees’ wages and benefits increased with the increase of the number of people employed by the company.